
About us


Our school currently includes: technical college and high school for adults. The main goal of our school is to educate students to perform professional work and be ready to adapt to changing labor market. There are 19 classes in the school, attended by 439 students.

We educate young people in the following fields: IT, programming, mechanics, logistics, tourist services, economics and advertising. As part of vocational training, the school provides apprenticeships and cooperates with 50 business entities that operate in industries consistent with the fields of education offered by our school. In addition to providing internships in their production facilities in our city ABB, Procter & Gamble and Ericsson took patronage over the technical secondary school classes. In the projects conducted by the school in the Erasmus + program, 90 mobilites of students and 16 mobilities of teaching staff took place.


"Internship in Ireland and Portugal" project


"Internship in Ireland and Portugal" project is addressed to the teachers and the students of Vocational High School (ZSZ) in Aleksandrow Lodzki. The project is going to be carried out within 24 months starting from 01/10/2020.

The students are to take part in a two-week and teachers in a one-week vocational trainning in companies and institutions in Dublin (Ireland) and Braga (Portugal). The project is going to be realised in cooperation with ADC College Dublin and EduPlus with its seat in Adaufe.

The anticipated dates of mobilities are summer and autumn 2021, spring and summer 2022.

69 students of ZSZ including IT, programming, logistics, economics, mechanic, advertising and tourism technicians and 7 teachers of vocational education and trainning will take part in the project.

General target of the project:

– increasing the school's recognition in the local environment and improvement of school's performance.

Detailed targets of the project:

– increasing students' chances of finding a job in accordance with their profession by gaining work experience on the

European job market,

– broadening the knowledge and advancement in participants' professional competence,

– development of communication skills in general English,

– advancement in professional English language skills,

– increase in students' multicultural awerness (promoting open, tollerant attitude, eliminating stereotypes),

– development of participants' interpersonal skills (improving team work skills and ability to adapt to a new environment),

– understanding the international employer requirements,

– mastering the skills desired by employers (punctuality, responsibility for asigned tasks),

– mastering teaching methods and tools as well as improving learning techniques,

– eliminating teachers' burnout.

In order to gain the above mentioned aims, the following actions are going to be taken:

– forming top-priority skills which participants should master during the vocational training,

– evaluating participants' level of English on the basis of language competence tests,

– carrying out English lessons and cultural workshops,

– informing participants about the EU projects' certificates (eg. Europass Mobility and Europass Language Passport),

– acknowledging students with the training programme, the mobility schedule and tools used for monitoring the students'

performance during the training in Dublin and Braga,

– introduction meetings with participants,

– mobilities in Dublin and Braga,

– passing the information about the completed project on to the local TV, the school website and on the Internet,

– sharing project experience with other teachers from: ZSZ, local schools, Poland and Europe.

The project's actions will be taken by partners 4-5 months before the beginning of the mobility. The process connected with training placement will be based on professional individual needs of each participant, their language test results and covering letters.

In Dublin participants will stay with Irish families, which will enable them to develop their interpersonal and language competences, as well as associate with Irish culture, customs and traditions. While looking for the participants' accommodation, ADC will take into consideration the distance to the place of training. In Braga students with the ZSZ teachers accompanying them will stay in the hostel owned by EduPlus or in one of the hotles cooperating with EduPlus

and they will have full board option provided.

Cultural classes conducted by ZSZ teachers before the mobility will be complemented by adaptation classes organized by ADC staff in Dublin and EduPlus staff in Braga.

In order to monitor the students' performance during the training, the ZSZ teachers accompanying students during the mobility will cooperate on daily basis with the students' mentors in their workplaces. Moreover, students will fill in the training documents online every day so that the vocational training teachers in Poland can also monitor their progress.

ADC, EduPlus and ZSZ staff will support all participants before and during the mobility.

The participation in the project will promote vocational education in the region and improve the quality of the school's work.

Future graduates will gain both excellent general and vocational education as well as skills required on the demanding European job market. Thanks to the project realisation the school will set an example of sharing good practice in the local environment.

The ZSZ teachers involved in the project will get knowledge needed to upgrade the school vocational and training programme according to the latest, high-quality European standards. They will also gain skills and experience useful in applying for other projects supported by EU.




"Praktyki w Londynie" (Internship in London) project is addressed to the teachers and the students of Vocational High School (ZSZ) in Aleksandrow Lodzki. The project is going to be carried out within 24 months starting from 01/10/2018

The participants of the project are to take part in a two-week (students) and a one-week (teachers) vocational trainning  in companies and institutions in London. The project is going to be realised in cooperation with ADC College with its seat in North London.

The anticipated dates of mobilities are spring 2019, summer 2019,  autumn 2019 and spring 2020.

60 students of ZSZ including IT technicians, economics and retail technicians, tourism technicians and advertising technicians and 6 teachers of vocational education and trainning will take part in the project.


General target of the project:


– increasing the school's recognition in the local environment and improvement of school's performance.


Detailed targets of the project:


– increasing students' chances of finding a job in accordance with their profession by gaining work experience on the European job market,

– advancement in students' professional competence in diagnosing and maintenance of hardware and its peripherials, website design, implementation of International Accounting Standards, creating marketing products by the use of graphic programmes, goods exposition, booking programmes used in tourism,

– development of participants' communicating language skills,

– improving participants'  professional English language skills,

– development of participants' interpersonal skills

– increase in multicultural awerness of students (promoting open, tollerant attitude, eliminating stereotypes),

– development of students' interpersonal skills (improving team work skills and ability to adapt to new environment),

– learning the international employer requirements,

– mastering the skills desired by employers (punctuality, responsibility),

– mastering teaching methods and tools as well as improving learning techniques,

– eliminating burnout,


In order to gain the above mentioned aims, the following actions are going to be taken:

– forming top-priority skills which participants should master during the vocational training,

– evaluating participants' level of English on the basis of language competence tests,

– carrying out English lessons  and cultural workshops,

– informing participants about the EU projects' certificates (eg. Europass Mobility and Europass Language Passport),

– acknowledging students with the training programme, the mobility schedule and tools used for monitoring the students' performance during the training in London,

– introduction meetings with participants,

– mobilities in London,

– passing the information about the completed project on to the local TV, the school website and on the Internet,

– sharing project experience with other teachers from: ZSZ, local schools, Poland and Europe.


The project's actions will be taken by partners 4-5 months before the beginning of the first mobility. The process connected with training placement will be based on professional individual needs of each participant, their language test results and covering letters.

Participants will stay with English families, which will enable them to develop their interpersonal and language competences, as well as associate with British culture, customs and traditions. While looking for the participants' accommodation, ADC College will take into consideration the distance to the place of training.

Cultural classes conducted by ZSZ teachers before the mobility will be complemented by adaptation classes organized by ADC College staff in London.

In order to monitor the students' performance during the training, the ZSZ teachers accompanying students during the mobility will cooperate on daily basis with the students' mentors in their workplaces. Moreover, students will fill in the training documents online every day so that the vocational training teachers in Poland can also monitor their progress. Both ADC College and ZSZ staff will support all participants before and during the mobility.

The participation in the project will promote vocational education in the region and improve the quality of the school's work.

Future graduates will gain both excellent general and vocational education as well as skills required on the demanding European job market. Thanks to the project realisation the school will set an example of sharing good practice in the local environment.

The ZSZ teachers involved in the project will get knowledge needed to upgrade the school vocational and training programme according to the latest, high-quality European standards. They will also gain skills and experience useful in applying for other projects supported by EU. 






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