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Se acabó apuntar hacer contorsionismo para apuntar al decodificador y conseguir cambiar de canal

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Runic alphabet- Origoma book and servant talk by Kirashadraws99 on DeviantArt

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He probado a usar mi TV con el mando por voz de Movistar+ y me siento incomprendido

Runic alphabet- Origoma book and servant talk by Kirashadraws99 on DeviantArt

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Runic alphabet- Origoma book and servant talk by Kirashadraws99 on DeviantArt

South Africa

Runic alphabet- Origoma book and servant talk by Kirashadraws99 on DeviantArt

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Runic alphabet- Origoma book and servant talk by Kirashadraws99 on DeviantArt

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